Monthly Archives: March 2014

The Year 2 Who can grow the tallest sunflower competition?


Exciting news!  

Year 2 are having a ‘who can grow the tallest sunflower competition?’ as part of our Science learning about Plants and Animals.  We have been thinking about what seeds need to grow into plants and the life cycle of a plant.

Your challenge is to grow the tallest sunflower with the seeds you have been given by your teacher. 


Instructions (growing guide)  

Step 1: Between March and early June, plant your seeds 1.5 cm deep in a sunny place in weed-free soil.

Step 2: Keep watered when dry.

Step 3: In July/September they will grow tall (probably taller than your Mum or Dad or teacher!) so give the flowers some support with sticks or canes.


?????????? How can you help them grow?  Where will you plant them?  How will you look after them?  How will you measure and record the growth?


Keeping in touch…  This the Barham blog for you to record your sunflowers growth or you can take pictures/ drawings of you sunflower – remember to measure it!

The child with the tallest sunflower will win a special prize! So get growing!

Good luck! From The Year 2 Team






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